Clinical Psychology and Counselling

Course Code
ECTS Credits
3rd and 4th Semester
Course Category

Compulsory option

Compulsory option

Course Description

This course is an introduction to the basic concepts of clinical psychology and the basic categories of disorders in adult psychopathology according to the DSM-5.The course will provide a critical presentation of issues related to the definition, description, understanding and treatment of deviant behavior. The role of the Clinical Psychologist in Mental Health and his/her collaboration with the speech and language therapist.
In particular, the classification systems of mental disorders, the basic DSM-5 diagnostic categories, and current theoretical approaches to adult psychopathology are presented. Emphasis is placed on understanding the clinical picture, as well as psychological and neurobiological theories of the etiopathogenesis of these disorders. Therapeutic approaches to the treatment of mental disorders from the perspective of the clinical psychologist and psychiatrist are discussed and the usefulness, limitations and implications of diagnosis as an institutional practice are discussed. In addition, clinical video cases will be presented, focusing on the problem formulation process in clinical psychology and a better understanding of psychopathology. There will also be a reference to how the speech and language therapist can approach patients with psychopathology in a counselling way.

By the end of the course students are expected to have:

  • understand the current theories of adult psychopathology and the main diagnostic classification systems for mental disorders
  • the basic concepts of clinical psychology
  • acquire a comprehensive knowledge of adult psychopathology with emphasis on the main disorder modules
  • understand the models for the aetiology of mental disorders
  • acquire a basic knowledge of clinical psychological intervention and counselling for people with deviant behaviour